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Covid News

Special Covid-19 Message To Our Valued Customers:


As the novel corona virus (COVID-19) begins to have an increased impact on our communities, we feel it is important to connect directly with you to share more about the steps we are taking to help keep you, our employees and our communities safe and healthy from the threat of the corona virus.  


For Crickle Eco Electricals, that means understanding how the corona virus affects our employees, customers and communities and then making the necessary adjustments to our work and operations.


The health and safety of our customers and employees has always been one of our top priorities and we will continue to monitor this rapidly evolving situation. We have already adopted several procedures in response to the rules and advice of local and state authorities and we will continue to revise or add new ones as the situation warrants.


We are screening all of our employees prior to dispatch for potential symptoms of COVID-19, including body temperature. Any employee with potential symptoms will not be dispatched but instead will be sent home to isolate themselves. All of our electricians are instructed to use masks at all times, use hand sanitizers and gloves (except when electrical work does not allow it). Our employees are also instructed to minimize your possible exposure by not shaking hands, keeping a 2 metre physical distance whenever possible, and of course by covering any cough or sneeze with an arm or tissue.


All of us at Crickle Eco Electricals wish you a safe and healthy year.

Hand Sanitation




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